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Danny Moses

Managing Member

Moses Ventures

A Wall Street insider since 1991, Danny Moses has seen his fair share of Bull and Bear Markets and has been able to observe the markets from a number of perspectives: Municipal Bond analyst, Institutional Sell-Side Broker, Trader, and Hedge Fund Manager. Danny has built a reputation of integrity, inquisitiveness and skepticism that has aided him during his career. The book, and later the movie, “The Big Short” chronicled a few people who saw the housing bubble forming in 2004 and figured out how to successfully navigate through the volatility in the financial markets. Danny was part of this small group who were forward-thinking and brave enough to have bet against the market and to have participated in one of the greatest trades in Wall Street history. Only a few months after the Big Short “Book” was released in March 2010, the “flash crash” occurred. Having traded during the actual “Flash Crash” on May 6th, 2010, Danny felt compelled to get the story told, and introduced Michael Lewis to the lead character Brad Katsuyama and Lewis went onto write “Flash Boys” which takes a cynical view of the role of High Frequency Traders on Wall Street and chronicles some of Danny’s trading experiences as well. In the past few years, Danny has been focusing much of his investing on what he now refers to as “The Big Long”, Cannabis. The majority of his Cannabis investments are expressed through his interest and involvement in Merida Capital Partners.