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Candace Gingrich

V.P. Business Development

Revolution Global

Candace Gingrich, V.P. Business Development, Revolution Florida

Since 1995, Candace Gingrich has served as a key advocate for issues of importance to the LGBTQ community. Gingrich’s involvement in the movement for queer equality began when their much older brother, Rep. Newt Gingrich, R-GA., was elected House speaker.

From 1995 to 2019, Gingrich worked with the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBTQ political and education organization. During their time with HRC, Gingrich crisscrossed the country to promote the importance of coming out, the duty to vote, and the power of everyday conversations to change minds. Most recently Gingrich served as HRC’s Youth & Campus Engagement associate director, and oversaw the HRC University Internship Program, which educated, trained & provided mentorship to nearly 100 students yearly.

Gingrich currently serves as the Vice President of Business Development for Revolution Florida, utilizing their community engagement skills to foster partnerships with local stakeholders. Their work also includes continuing Revolution’s commitment to equity and inclusion with the creation of LGBTQ focused medical marijuana treatment centers. 

Gingrich lives in Chicago, Ill. with their spouse Ill. Rep. Kelly Cassidy, her three sons, three cats, and one very large dog.