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Paul Rosen


Tidal Royalty

Paul Rosen is a noted career entrepreneur, management consultant and public speaker. Over the last 6 years, he has become one of the most active entrepreneurs and investors in the emerging global cannabis industry. He is the founder and Managing Director of BreakWater Venture Capital, a private venture capital fund and advisory, with over 100 current investments in global cannabis companies. Paul is the founder, CEO and Chairman of Tidal Royalty Corporation, a financing business focused on the emerging regulated U.S. cannabis industry.

Paul Rosen was a co-founder of PharmaCan Capital, now d.b.a The Cronos Group (CRON:NASDAQ, CRON.V). Paul served as President and CEO for three years. Paul sits on the Board, and chairs the Audit Committee, of iAnthus Capital Holdings (IAN.C), a publicly traded New York based investment bank. Paul also sits on the Board of Hill Street Beverages, and advises several companies across multiple industries.

Paul has enjoyed a distinguished speaking and media career. He has appeared on/in BNN-Bloomberg, The National, Canada A.M., Huffington Post, The Globe and Mail, Vice Media, Marijuana Business Daily and the Midas report. As a speaker, Paul has been a keynote and a panelist at dozens of industry events across the globe, including The Marijuana Business Expo (Las Vegas), CannaTech (London), CannaTech (Tel Aviv), Cannabiz (Toronto), International Pharmaceutical Association (Toronto), The Cannabis Business Conference (Denver), Kahner Global (Toronto) and the World Cannabis Conference (St. John).

Paul is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada, and received a B.A. in Economics from Western University in 1985 and an LL.B. from the University of Toronto in 1988.