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Natalie Ginsberg

Global Impact Officer


Natalie Ginsbert, M.S.W., joined MAPS in 2014. She founded the Policy & Advocacy department, and served as its director for 5 years. She also initiated and co-developed MAPS’ Health Equity program. As Global Impact Officer, Natalie works for the responsible integration of psychedelics into mainstream culture, to help “set the setting” for an ethical global movement. Before joining MAPS, Natalie worked as a Policy Fellow at the Drug Policy Alliance, where she helped legalize medical cannabis in her home state of New York, and worked to end New York’s race-based marijuana arrests. Natalie currently lives in Los Angeles, CA. She received her B.A. in history from Yale College, and her master’s of social work (M.S.W.) from Columbia University. She is also a co-founder of the Jewish Psychedelic Summit.