Zaheer Anwari

Zaheer Anwari

Benzinga Contributor

I have been investing in the financial markets since 2007 and mentoring since 2012. I use a combination of proven old school trend following techniques combined with cutting edge tech to efficiently and effortlessly compound my returns. I believe g...
Amazon Is Ascending 22% This Year - Is It Poised To Shatter Historical Highs And Form Another Meteoric Rise?
How Gold's Record-Breaking Rise in 2024 Signals a New Era for Investors and the Impact on Stock Performance!
Is Microsoft's $1.5 Billion Move With Abu Dhabi's G42 A Gamble For AI Dominance That Could Send Their Stock Value Down To $400?
From Bullish Blips To Bearish Tumbles - How The S&P 500's Recent Moves Signal A Market On Edge As Earnings Season Approaches!
Meta's Maverick Move - From Controversy To Climax And Navigating Stormy Seas To Record Highs!
Google's Comeback - How an 83% Surge Propelled the Tech Giant Beyond Its All-Time High
Unveiling the Hidden Gem in the Stock Market - How Progressive's Quiet Surge Mirrors Nvidia's Early Days and Promises Explosive Growth Ahead!
Microsoft's Astonishing Comeback - Its Stunning 974% Decade Growth and the Promise of More to Come!
March's Golden Rally - 9% Surge For Gold - Now What Lies Ahead for the Safe Haven Commodity?
The Fourth Bitcoin Halving and Its Potential to Shatter the $70,000 Ceiling Once More
Apple's Stock Rollercoaster 7% Slide, Buffett's Bold Bet, And The Quest For A $200 Breakthrough - What Lies Ahead?
Gold's Glittering Gateway - Unveiling The Path To A Record-Breaking $2200 Summit
Nvidia's Blackwell GPUs Set New Standards In AI Computing Power And Market Dominance - Will Their Stock Surpass The Elusive $1000 Mark?
Google's Stock Skyrockets 6% Amidst Ground Breaking Gemini AI And Apple Collaboration Talks
Uber's Unstoppable Ascent - Gearing Up For A Groundbreaking Leap Towards The $100 Milestone
Nvidia's Astonishing 75% Surge In 2024 - Is This Just The Beginning Of A Tech Titan's Unstoppable Rise?
Gold's Glittering Breakthrough: Surpassing Previous Peaks, But Can It Sustain The Shine? Uncover The Secrets Behind The Surge!
From Chaos To Comeback - Meta's Global Outage Rattles Users, But Ignites An Unprecedented Stock Surge Towards $500
Apple's Empire Shaken: The Surprising 2024 Shift In China's Smartphone Market And Huawei's Stunning Comeback – What's Next For Tech Giants?
Uber's Unstoppable Ascent - Gearing Up For A Groundbreaking Leap Towards The $90 Milestone